Hangout is probably one of the best features G+ has. The ability to start a video chat thru G+, allow people to join and share with multiple people at the same time makes this feature is plus (pun intended) for G+. Here are some extensions that will help you find Hangouts on you stream and even help you join them.
Due to recent updates on Google+ some of these extensions or features on the extensions may be broken or obsolete by the time this is posted so feel free to ignore those extensions or the feature that is broken or obsolete. Each extension has been linked to it’s page on the Chrome Webstore so you can check it out yourself.
My Hangouts for Google Plus
My hangouts is a pretty cool extension if you like finding hangouts that are currently out there in your stream. It’s a heck of a lot easier than looking thru the stream to see if someone ins '”hanging out”. I like how the icon gives you a pop-up list where you can choose which one to join right from the pop-up. Maybe a bit of polishing on the UI will make this extension much better looking but all in all it works great. I got lucky and happen to come across a hangout as I tested this extension.
My rating:
Quick Hangouts for Google+
Quick hangouts is very similar to My hangouts except rather than an icon at the top, it lists the hangouts underneath the “Star A Hangout” button on the right side bar. Not sure how this would like if there are several hangouts going on at the same time but it’s a pretty cool way to see if there are any out there. And it may work well combined with the My Hangouts extensions for maximum benefit.
My rating:
Hangout Auto Try Again for Google Plus
I currently don’t have a working webcam so am unable to test this extension out so if anyone out there cares to post a review in the comments please do so, that way those interested can get a better idea if this extension is worth getting. Seems like an interesting extension for someone having problems trying to join a Hangout, wouldn’t blame them for making several attempts hoping to eventually get in.
My rating: ?????
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Thursday, September 22, 2011
Hangout – Chrome Extensions For Google+
9:16 AM