About Me

About This Aspiring Pro Blogger And His Blog

Welcome to my Blog. My name is Charles but some know me as Chuck. Since I was young people always said I talk a lot, I figured since I do and have a lot of opinions, it made sense to create my own blog where I can talk all I want and not annoy people as much as they can hear (or read) what I have to say at their convenience. Here you will find all kinds of topics being tackled. I tend to stick to technology, Internet and politics more than anything but may touch on other topics from time to time.

I’m a family man who loves his wife and children. While I enjoy blogging and expressing my mind to the Internet world, my family always comes first. I am a big fan of technology; gadgets are my thing. I will also mention interesting and cool sites and software (mostly freeware stuff) I believe should be shared.

My political views are very Conservative but have an open mind and am willing to listen to your point of view; and if you’re lucky, you just might teach me a thing or two. My goal is to get people thinking, researching and commenting in the hopes we all learn something new in the process. I love my country, the Good old US of A, and feel my countrymen are not keeping up with today’s issues or Gov’t actions and would like for them to get more involved. Power of the people, not power of the Gov’t; that is how the US should be.

I uphold your right to freedom of speech, but I reserve the right to delete or edit your comments if you don’t stick to the topic, reply or comment in a respectful manner or reply something worth reading (such as “this article sucks” comments with no substance) as I state in my Comment Policy article. If you are gonna criticize, at least give a good reason why as oppose to some random, one sentence, childish post. I hope you enjoy, comment with honesty and respect and come back for more.

I would like to give a special thanks Brad Wardell (also known as Draginol and FrogBoy) and his team from www.joeuser.com (also a Stardock website) for giving me a free blog to express myself and learn a thing or two about blogging, politics and technology allowing me to expand my blogging hobby. I would also like to thank Leo Laport from www.Twit.com and Patrick Norton from Tekzilla on www.Revision3.com (both former The ScreenSavers hosts on G4 TV) for inspiring me to take my blogging to the next level. And last but not least I want to thank my wife for tolerating this little hobby of mine.