Monday, December 6, 2010

My Real Christmas Wish List, We All Have One.

Disney Family Fun Christmas List PrintableTry as I might I can’t help but have a real Christmas list if anywhere deep in my mind, where no one can find out. But why do I hide it so much you might ask? Interesting question; to be honest it’s kinda embarrassing to talk about but sometimes it has to be done, it’s the best way to resolve issues one has.

I guess when it comes to wish list although I wish for everything in the world like everyone else, I tend to think too much about those who can only wish and dream of everything in the world but odds are they may never get them. Makes me feel selfish every time I think about wanting an iPad, a HDTV or even a 2011 Chevy Camaro. I also tend to think about other people first such as my children, my wife and the rest of my family. Perhaps once a year I go out of my way to treat myself to something but this only happens when I get my tax refund although none the less my family still goes first.

But, as I mentioned before, I have a Christmas list just like everyone else and I have decided to share my list because I believe I deserve at least one of these gifts even if I never get it but perhaps a miracle might happen because after all it’s the Christmas season and miracles have been known to happen during this time of the year. So on with my list.

Bare in mind, the list may not be big but it will be expensive as I am a big electronic geek and we all know electronics are not cheap.
Chatterbox Chuck’s Real Christmas Wish List (in no particular order):

  • 2011 Chevy Camaro
  • 64GB Apple iPad
  • HTC Evo 4G
  • A Gaming Rig with an i7 Quad, SSD, nVidia GTX 580, 12 GBs memory, USB 3.0, 23” HD monitor
  • Razor Mamba gaming mouse
  • Logitech G19 gaming keyboard
  • 47” Vizio HDTV with Internet Apps
  • xBox 360 with Kinect
  • Playstation 3
  • Boxee Box
  • WD TV LIve Hub
  • 1TB USB 3.0 portable drive (not a Western Digital)
  • Drobo
  • Guitar and guitar lessons
  • Piano and piano lessons
  • A trip to New York City, to stay in the Plaza Hotel and take a horse driven sleigh ride with my family on a snowy day

Ok, so my list wasn’t really short but it’s probably still a lot shorter than most wish list. I guess this would give you a hint of where I would go first if I won the Lottery tomorrow. You know, it feels kinda good to get this off my chest. I had always wanted to share my Christmas wish list with someone but was too afraid to be seen as selfish and out of my mind for wishing something that is beyond my reach at this point in time. But, that’s why it’s called a wish list after all.

Perhaps there are such things as Christmas miracles, I sure would like to think so. This would make getting one if not many of these things possible, it’s worth believing in even if it takes a long time to see one happen to me. Maybe God will decide to grant me one, who knows.

Santa Claus clipart
So, want to share your Christmas wish list? I would love to see what everyone else really wants for Christmas. I would think most would want to have happiness, health and maybe even a better world for everyone. But what do you really, really wish you could get for Christmas this year? Let everyone know, maybe you just might get it. You never know who’s watching or listening.


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