You never know what you’ll find until you start looking
As I browsed the site looking for new ideas and advise on how to make my blog and blogging skills better, I came across and article called The Biggest Internet Cash Contest in the History of Blogging, a Famous Bloggers – CommentLuv contest where members would submit an article based on specific topics in the contest rules and if approved would be posted on both sites so that members could read, learn and comment on the articles and eventually these articles would then be judged and the winners would earn prize money.
A leap of faith against all odds
I have to admit that when I first saw the article I was drawn in by the cash prizes which I have to assume Famous Bloggers were counting on. I was hesitant to actually submit an article and actually took me a week (I submitted my article just before the first deadline) to finally participate. The fear of rejection is what first kept me from participating but after reading some of the articles on the site I wasn’t so sure my blogging skills were good enough either. After much debate and watching the deadline date get closer and closer I finally decided I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Playing it save always kept me from getting hurt but it also kept me from getting better and learning new things.
Once I was convinced I started working on my article and submitted it to Famous Bloggers as per the contest rules instructions. To my surprise I was looking thru my emails a few days after I submitted the article and found an email from CommentLuv stating that someone had made a comment on the article I had submitted for the contest titled Creating Articles That Encourage Comments. At first I was in shock my article had been accepted, I was participating in a real contest, I had a chance to win.
A Win-Win Situation
I quickly went to check the article to read and reply to the comments. I was excited to see my article was being exposed for people to read and comment on a site with a huge audience and that I had a chance to win some prize money in the process. This is when I realized that although my article had just been posted, that the contest had just started and that the winners would not be announced till mid August, I had already been declared a winner. How, you ask? Simple. Having my article accepted and posted by Famous Bloggers basically stated I had good enough skills to be a blogger. The comments made on the article show that some people found my article interesting enough to read and comment on it.
Having my article posted on Commentluv and Famous Bloggers gave me a chance to expose myself and my blog to hundreds of readers. It also game me to opportunity to find other peoples blogs where I have found some great articles. having participated in this contest has given me more exposure in just a few weeks than I would have in months of posting articles on my blog and hoping it gets noticed. Although it would be nice to win the prize money, no matter the results this is a Win-Win situation, I have already won as I was able to accomplish more for my blog simply by participating. The learning experience, the tips I have found, the people I have met and the blogs I have found are worth more than any prize money this contest has. Of course winning the money doesn’t hurt either, I would see it as a bonus.
Come on ride the Famous Bloggers Train
If there was ever a site that I would recommend to anyone starting a blog or already having one, Famous Bloggers would be it. Thanks to them this Blogger Novice is a rising star on his way to becoming a ProBlogger. So what are you waiting for? Hop on board and ride the Famous Bloggers train with us. If it worked for me, it can work for you. Like me, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Check it out and give it a try. You just might become one of many Famous Bloggers.
Oh, yea, one last thing. Visit my article Creating Articles That Encourage Comments, read it and comment on it. Help me win the contest. Thank you.
Contest Sponsors
This is the FamousBloggers ComLuv Contest Sponsors, feel free to check them out, also check the Online Contest page for more information. Special thank to Gail our Social Media Marketing Strategist for the great work.$300 SPONSORS specialists in road traffic accidents Claims and Compensation
- FamousBloggers ~ Group blog about how to start a business, making money blogging and blogging for business.
- Brian Longest ~ GoDaddy Coupon UKTop10 30% Off
- Executive Gift Shoppe ~ Personalized gifts including Money Clip
- Social Implications - Exploring the impact of Social Media ~ Social Media
- Local Proud ~ Start Your Own Discount Card Business
- FiddyP. Personal blog of Andy Bailey
- FiredWok Chinese Takeaway & Delivery ~ Chinese delivery in Lancaster
- GoodMillwork ~ Florida Based Architectural Moldings
- Andrew Rondeau Ltd ~ Blogging Guide
- Marc Duquette ~ Scribnia Blogging Directory
- The Happy Guy Marketing ~ Professional SEO services
- The Online Recruiters Directory ~ Search Firms
- Monster Auto ~ Car industry news
- Bill – ANS Gear ~ Paintball Guns & Gear
- Cori Padgett- Big Girl Branding ~ Business Marketing Strategy
- ~ Google alternative search
- The Internet Time Machine ~ Trends and new product ideas
- Joe & Colleen ~ Richland Wa Homes For Sale
$50 Sponsors
- DiTesco ~ Home based business resources
- DennisEdell ~ Direct Sales Marketing Coach
- Firas ~ WP Worx - Wordpress Services
- Kiesha ~ Blogging Tips & Tricks
- Melinda ~ Simple Home Organization
- Dan Keller - TycoonBlogger ~ Promote Your Blog
- ProjectCenter ~ Club Flyers
- PPI Claims ~ PPI Claims
- Free Gifts ~ Free Gifts
- Zoomit Canada ~ Social Bookmarking just for Canada
- Fence Houston ~ Houston fence contractor
- Fence Philadelphia ~ Philadelphia fence company
- Location Villa Espagne ~ Location Villa Costa Brava
- Lube Oil Sales ~ Buy Amsoil Motor Oil
- Olympic EyeWear ~ Designer sunglasses
- Miss Wise Law ~ Law & Legal Information
- Michelle Mangen ~ The Social Media Virtual Assistant
- Chris Guthrie ~ Make Money on the Internet
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